Why parents love Wellbabys

Peace of mind

Examine the charts of your baby’s growth and feel confident that all is well.

Safe in the knowledge

Facts and figures inform you as needed.

Better parents

Parents in the know experience reduced anxiety and improved sleep.

How it works – Discover the Wellbabys app

Wellbabys records feedings, nursing, sleep, diapers, temperature as well as the mood of your baby. You can upload your baby’s image and fill in their name. The app also features a Baby Name Picker option in case you haven’t decided yet.
When you sign in, you record the feeding method, whether your baby is a boy or a girl, their birthday, and weight either in lbs. or oz. You can immediately start recording if your little one is happy, sad or sick, their sleep patterns and temperature, and create charts. You can compare with the previous day and previous week averages and view the data to look for trends. The app also enables you to contact your doctor or 911 straight away in case you need to. You can also email the data and the charts straight from the app either to your doctor, or your spouse or receive an update from your caregiver. All data is password protected so you can enjoy the security embedded in the app.


Find comfort when you have so much to figure out

Download wellbabys

Wellbabys Mission

Having a baby comes with a lot of happiness and joy and a lot of concerns. Many new parents often feel overwhelmed about being responsible for a newborn. Taking care of your baby is the most rewarding role in your life, but it is also a challenging time with a lot of questions. And while there is no instruction manual, technology can help a lot today.

We live in a digital world, and the use of technology and data to help new parents seemed obvious. Wellbabys was created with that in mind. A simple and effective way to help parents figure things out and regain a little bit of control of their lives. Wellbabys is here to help you find some peace of mind and ease into your new role.

What our customers say about us - The Wellbabys stories

Discover what new parents had to say about us after downloading the Wellbabys app


A smart & healthy approach to parenting

Discover how wellbabys can help you enjoy parenthood a lot more and reduce your stress levels.


No need to remember everything. Especially for mothers, it helps to remember feeding times, sleeping schedules, or diaper changes. Wellbabys saves you the trouble, and all you have to do is log in the data and check your phone when you need information.


Its easier to monitor your baby’s development. The records and graphs stored in wellbabys help you access reliable information, review your baby’s feeding and diaper patterns and fell more confident.


You can avoid health issues. Wellbabys enables you to track every little detail of your baby’s daily schedule, so it makes it easier to identify significant changes or symptoms and talk about it to your doctor.

Wellbabys Features

Wellbaby is quick and easy to use - you enter the information with a simple tap.
Upload your baby’s photo and name and create a unique profile. Easy to use for more than one baby and more than one caregiver.
Easy access to information from recent and past entries.
You can easily track feeding, whether bottle, nurse, or supplement.
You can track diapers, whether wet, dirty, or wet and dirty and even upload an image.
You can track your baby’s mood and make a note if it is happy, sad or sick.
Track and display the sleep pattern in graphs you can share.
Track and display in graphs the temperature, making it easy to monitor health without fail.
Store and share via email unlimited information and descriptive graphs with your spouse, doctor, or caregiver.

Contact Wellbabys

Please fill in the form and send us your questions or your concerns about your baby. We will quickly reply to you with useful and relevant information. We are here to help new parents in any way that we can.